Home Safety for Elderly People

Being at home is considered a safe place to be, but for an elderly person it can be quite dangerous. There are many hazards around the home which can cause problems for an older person, especially if they have problems with eyesight, memory or mobility.

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The good news is that there are plenty of things that you can do in the home to reduce the risks of accidents. For elderly people, falls are much more serious as they have weaker bones, and can cause much more severe injuries to themselves, so it is a good idea to try to make the home a lot safer.


The kitchen is a place that can be incredibly risky, but there are many gadgets and gizmos that have been created to make life easier and safer. From kettle tippers to electric can openers, there are many ways that you can make the kitchen not only safer but easier for an elderly person to manage.

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Many older people rely on WAV vehicles such as wheelchairs and scooters to get about, so it is a good idea to make the home accessible to these vehicles. Add ramps onto the outside of the house to make it easier for the access of the vehicles and widen doors as well to make access to the home easy. Ramps are something that can be placed all around the home if there are steps as they are much safer and less of a trip hazard.

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